About GEHAGEHA was established in 1980, initially with a focus on heritage and protection of buildings under demolition threat. Since the mid 1990s GEHA has expanded to focus principally on protection of the natural environment as well as ecologically sustainable development and Aboriginal and European heritage.
GEHA is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act and has a Constitution establishing a Committee and officers. Members are bound by Association rules. GEHA has established a Public Fund called the Gawler Environment Fund. Donations to this fund are tax deductible. The purpose of the Fund is limited to activities covered by the Principal Objective: The principal object of GEHA is to “protect and enhance the natural environment in Gawler and surrounding areas and to provide information and education, or the carrying on of research, about the natural environment in Gawler and surrounding areas”. GEHA is a member of the Conservation Council of South Australia and a registered LandCare group. People join GEHA for a variety of reasons including to learn about and help protect the local environment and Gawler’s heritage, to work on projects, to meet like-minded people and to share knowledge and skills. GEHA membership
The membership fee is $5, or a concession fee of $3. Membership continues on an ongoing basis with no annual fee (although GEHA will review this each year).
All applications will be considered by GEHA before approval is granted. |
GEHA’s activities include:
Further information
Further information about Gawler Environment and Heritage Association Inc.:
GEHA currently meets on the last Thursday of each month (except December) at 7.30pm at 42 Finniss St, Gawler. Non-members are welcome to attend; please contact GEHA beforehand. Postal address and general enquiries: GEHA, C/- 42 Finniss St, Gawler SA 5118 Phone: (08) 8522 4363 (Adrian or Sue) E-mail: [email protected] Membership and donation enquiries: Helen Wilmore, 52 Cheek Avenue, Gawler East SA 5118 Phone: (08) 8522 3019 E-mail: [email protected] |